Are you making stillness a part of your daily routine? There are plenty of health benefits that you should consider when choosing stillness and finding your sanctuary.
Should you get spinal decompression therapy? It's something you should seriously consider. Earley Wellness understands the benefits and can help you with the therapy.
With spring here, it's nice to get out and do a nice walk or run around the neighborhood. However, the is always a risk of getting injured, including possibly getting plantar fasciitis. What should you do?
It might not be like running an actual marathon, but working day after day can take its toll on you. You need to worry about Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS). Here's what that entails.
Do you feel off-balance? 2021 may have been a difficult year for you and you found yourself dropping good health habits previously established. A new year brings a clean slate, a chance to start anew. While it may seem overwhelming to think about beginning from square one, letâs start with one simple action and build from there.
Scrolling through Facebook you see photos of people out and about, enjoying their seemingly care-free lives. Meanwhile, you are on your couch (again), as it seems impossible to get up to even let the dog out. âWhat is wrong with me?â you think to yourself. How are so many people out, living their best lives? Meanwhile, you feel paralyzed by stress, anxiety, and the weight of the world holding you down.